Category: Communication skills

6 Business Meeting Tips (Adapted from Dinner Parties)

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Turn your next dinner party into a learning opportunity! What your do naturally at the table can help guide your behavior in business meetings. Think about these components the next time you share a meal with friends, and consider how you might apply them to your next meeting. 1. Tell a story Telling a story… Read More »

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8 Tips for Better Business Emails

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We casually send off hundreds of work-related emails each week. However, communicating by email presents some challenges. There are none of the physical or vocal cues of an in-person or telephone conversation to add feeling and context to the content. The tone of our message is not always accurately communicated to the recipient and we… Read More »

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Have a Conversation

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When you give a presentation or a speech, do you sound like an author reading from your book or like a person having a conversation? If you chose the former, chances are you are not connecting with your audience as well as you could be. Humans have conversations with each other. We don’t like to… Read More »

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Visuals and Words Working Together

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I was recently reminded of the importance of the balance between visuals and the spoken word. I led a session for a small group from a very successful boutique branding and design firm. After discussing the content of an effective presentation, they each delivered a sales or progress report presentation. I knew they would blow… Read More »

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Tips for Taking Criticism

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End-of-the-year performance reviews are here. Unfortunately it’s not all good news. How do you maintain your composure when you’re receiving negative feedback or criticism? How do you communicate that you are receptive to their critique? Here are six tips to help you through your annual review or any other occasion when you receive criticism. 1…. Read More »

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Speak To Their Humanity

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William Zinsser, author of the classic book “On Writing Well,” wrote that the four basic premises of writing are clarity, brevity, simplicity and humanity. Today, let’s examine “humanity,” defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary as “the quality or state of being human.” What does “humanity” mean in the context of writing a presentation? For me,… Read More »

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Keep It Simple

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Have you heard of “KISS?” (Keep It Simple Sweetie!) Here is what some famous authors have said about simplicity. They all support the notion that short and sweet is the way to go. “I never write ‘metropolis’ for seven cents when I can write ‘city’ and get paid the same.”
– Mark Twain (1835-1910) “The most… Read More »

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Six Tips to Prevent a Monotone

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When you listen to someone speaking in a monotone, how long can you last? Five minutes and most people are writing a shopping list, checking emails, texting, or simply leaving the room. Don’t be the victim of your own lifeless voice. Here are six tips that will help you effectively convey the meaning of your well-crafted… Read More »

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Make Nice! Know Their Needs and Speak Their Language

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The other day my husband and I were negotiating the upcoming Saturday. He had a memorial to attend, I had an all-day seminar, and my son had his weekly soccer match. My husband asked if I could take our son to soccer. I said, in my blunt-New-Yorker-get-to-the-point manner that no, I could not: I had… Read More »

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Just Look Me in the Eyes and Smile

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How do you feel when a cashier has a frown on his or her face, and won’t look you in the eye? I hate to say it, but as a life-long New Yorker, I’ve experienced that too often. And it is alienating. I feel like I want to take their head and turn it towards… Read More »

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  • "As someone who presents opinion pieces and data to large crowds, Kayla was instrumental in helping me focus and deliver the optimal speech and flow. I appreciate her time and intensity on helping me better relay my key points both in context and delivery." Sean Finnegan
  • "Kayla has a real knack for getting to the heart of a message and helping express it both rationally and emotionally for maximum effectiveness. She knows how to put a speaker at ease and get them ready to speak in high-stress situations. An hour with Kayla will make you a ‘Great Communicator." Lisa Merriam, President, Merriam Associates
  • "Kayla was an excellent presentation coach. She not only helped me discoverhow to turn a long, dry presentation into a story that is interactive andinteresting, but also helped me understand what it was that triggered mynervousness and gave me great suggestions on how to control it. Kayla isvery unique and invests all of her energy into your success." Christine Zambrana, Associate Director, Oncology Marketing

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