Production Companies

Presentation skills for production companies.
I can be involved in any/all components of speaker support:
- Initial meetings with clients:
- Bigger picture brainstorming, messaging, planning
- Writing, editing, helping client craft their own presentations
- Presentation Training
- Presentation coaching for individual speakers
- Advising on visuals
- On-going editing of presentations as needed
- Editing/revising presentations for foreign speakers
- TelePrompter editing for speaker ease and clarity of message
- At the event:
- Coaching
- Staging
- Directing
- Last-minute practice, warm-up, and client “handholding” backstage
- Post-event support and feedback
After initial planning by Production Company:
- I meet with client, short training session on Content/Presentation Writing
- On-going support for client on writing including edits and use of visuals
- Short training session on Presentation Delivery
- On-going Presentation Coaching, on-going edits of text and visuals
- On-location: on-stage rehearsals and blocking
- Tech rehearsals
- “Off-line” practice
- Warm-up the day of
- Support in the green room, backstage
- Post-event support and kudos!
- Debriefing upon return: successes, lessons learned, points to work on for next time

Presentation skills for businesses and corporations.
I provide training for groups and coaching for individuals. I work carefully with the HR, Training, Marketing or PR department to assess what is needed in each situation. For individual coaching, I will speak with colleagues/ supervisors when desired, to determine the issues and desired outcomes.
Coaching solutions vary according to the client’s needs, but some typical Presentation and Communications Coaching services include:
Presentation Training for Groups:
Full-day, half-day, or multiple half-day sessions on Content, Delivery, Presentation Writing
Presentation coaching for Individuals:
Sessions or on-going work on Content, Delivery, Presentation Writing
Event-specific Presentation Coaching:
When the client doesn’t have time or desire to write it:
- I discuss with clients their thoughts for the presentation, help them clarify ideas
- I write their presentation, incorporating their ideas, style and theme we agree upon
- We refine it together over time as desired
- I help them or their team create visuals to best enhance the presentation
When the client wants to write it:
- Discussion of ideas, assist focusing concepts when desired
- I help refine and edit
- I assist in the choice of visuals
When the client wants to learn how to write an effective presentation:
- I teach the components of a presentation that “works”
- I guide client in writing the presentation at hand
- I leave client with the knowledge and materials to write it alone next time
Coaching for Presentation Delivery
- Presentation coaching during practice
- Staging, direction as needed
- On-going content editing as needed
- Editing for TeleprompTer for speaker ease and clarity of message
- Practice and support at event, as desired
General Communications Coaching: on-going or longer session
Common topics covered:
- Creating a concise and specific message in any medium.
- Asking for what you want
- Giving and receiving feedback and criticism
- Executive presence skills
- Communicating with direct reports and supervisors
- Organizing ideas for meetings
- Meeting preparation for questions and discussions
- Knowing when to speak up; how to lead a conversation
- “Storytelling” and using examples
- Defusing anger
Law Firms

Presentation skills for attorneys.
Many attorneys I encounter are fantastic researchers and writers, yet can have trouble concisely expressing their written work verbally. I teach basic Presentation Skills to attorneys, often focusing on:
- Outlining content for verbal expression vs. for writing a brief
- Crafting a concise and clear message, no matter what the medium
- Use of language and jargon
- Relaying legal/ technical information to non-legal/ non-technical audiences
- Adding the human/emotional component to legal and technical communications
I provide training for groups and coaching for individuals. I work carefully with the HR, Training, Marketing or PR department to assess what is needed in each situation. For individual coaching, I will speak with colleagues/ supervisors when desired, to determine the issues and desired outcomes.
Presentation Training – for groups and individuals
Full-day, half-day, or multiple half-day sessions on Content, Delivery, Presentation Writing
Communications Coaching – for individuals:
On-going Communications Coaching emphasizing people-oriented communications skills.

Presentation skills for the pharmaceuticals industry.
Many pharma professionals I work with face similar issues: expressing technical information, working with legal considerations, and trying to deliver in a convincing manner materials prepared by other people and departments.
For Pharma professionals, I do general Presentation Coaching with an eye towards the following issues:
- Crafting a concise and clear message
- The difference between presenting what the audience needs to know and teaching them what you know
- Use of language and jargon
- Relaying technical information to non-technical audiences
- Storytelling and the narrative
- Adding the human/emotional component to scientific and technical communications
- Working with legal considerations: what is necessary and what is negotiable?
- Visuals:
- Effectively delivering visuals you did not create
- Focusing visuals around your message
- Re-working visuals to enhance your message
- Engaging the listeners on human level
I provide training for groups and coaching for individuals. I work carefully with the HR, Training, Marketing or PR department to assess what is needed in each situation. For individual coaching, I will speak with colleagues/ supervisors when desired, to determine the issues and desired outcomes.
Presentation Skills Training – for groups and individuals
Full-day, half-day, or multiple half-day sessions on Content, Delivery, Presentation Writing
Communications Coaching – for individuals:
On-going communications Coaching emphasizing people-oriented communications skills.

Presentation skills for the fashion industry.
Fashion manufacturers have a great variety of presentation needs. From Marketing, to PR, Design to Finance, all the departments face the dual challenges of presenting to team members and to other departments who may not “speak the same language.” No matter what the presentation or to whom, we will speak to the needs and interests of the audience. We will turn the presentation into a meaningful story, making it about more than design or data.
I can help with:
- Business presentations within departments: retail, wholesale, marketing, etc. and to outside entities
- Designers presenting to head designers or to business teams
- Operations teams presenting to designers and business teams
- Marketing presentations
- Financial reports, earnings calls
- Training spokespersons for media interviews and appearances
Presentation Preparation and Coaching — for Individuals
To prepare content/delivery of high-stakes presentations
Presentation Skills Training – for groups and individuals
Full-day, half-day, or multiple half-day sessions on Content, Delivery, Presentation Writing
Communications Coaching – for individuals:
On-going communications Coaching