Coach – Fashion and Beauty
Town Hall
For several years I helped write presentations, coordinate visuals and coach numerous presenters for their annual all-company meeting. The company grew so much that the last two years the meeting was held at the Ziegfeld theater in New York City with an audience of over 1500.
Speakers included:
- President of Retail
- President US Wholesale
- President of International
- President of Merchandising
- VP of Marketing
- VP of PR
- VP of Operations
President of North American Wholesale
I trained this President on Presentation Writing and Delivery, and have subsequently helped her prepare for her semi-annual division conferences. After initially meeting with her and discussing the material, I draft a presentation. Together, we develop it. Working with a designer, I help create and oversee production and coordination of the visuals. I coach the President on her delivery, and help her on location the day of the conference.
Store Manager’s Conference
I trained the group, then coached individual speakers through the writing and delivery of presentations, fashion shows and humorous skits for this annual conference.
Presenters included:
- President of Retail
- VP of Retail Stores
- VP of Factory Stores
- VP of Marketing
- VP of Merchandising
Signature Group
I gave a seminar on presentation skills — creation and delivery — for a specially selected group of high-achieving store managers being groomed for advancement.