Do you dread writing your presentations?
I coach and train speakers to write their own presentations and speeches. I advise on and edit speakers’ writing and visuals. I frequently work with a speaker on a high-stakes communication from conception through the writing process and finally coordinating visuals and formating TelePrompter scripts when appropriate.
The presentation writing process can be daunting, yet unless you want to speak extemporaneously, it has to be done. So why not simplify the process? Know what to include and where to put it. Receive a simple outline for a “presentation that works.”
Having a step-by-step procedure to follow makes the process manageable. And you can generalize it to all sorts of communications.
The most crucial component of an effective presentation is connecting with your audience…and that starts well before you get up to speak!
The content –what you say and the words and style with which you communicate it — is crucial in reaching your audience.
Researching your audience, then choosing the right messages, supporting information, language and visuals will allow you to speak to them in a way they can understand and take in. And it will give you a much better chance of convincing them to do what you are asking of them! You will also learn to build in opportunities for interaction with the audience, which bridges the way to connecting with them during delivery.