I am writing this month to tell you about an exciting addition to my existing coaching practice. I am still coaching clients on presentation and communication skills. In addition, I am working as a psychotherapist in a group practice, having received my Masters of Social Work and become licensed as an LMSW. But why shake things up?
During my years of presentation coaching I have encountered many clients who experience nervousness — sometimes extreme — around speaking in front of others. I have helped many of them get a handle on their performance anxiety. It has been extremely rewarding to see people move from a place of fear to a place of relative ease. Fascinated by the process, I decided to pursue a formal education in the field. (Stay tuned for the next update on using Cognitive Behavioral strategies to combat performance anxiety.)
Now, in addition to working with clients on presentation and communications issues, I have the opportunity to provide a broader range of clients with a broader range of help. If you or a friend/relative/colleague find yourself with issues which are affecting your sense of well-being: for example extreme performance anxiety, unhappiness, relationship issues, problems of living to name just a few, perhaps I can help. All consultations and sessions are entirely confidential. And if you are not comfortable seeing me directly, I can refer you to a colleague. For my psychotherapy practice, I take out of network insurance. Take a look at my Psychology Today profile.
Whether you need help with presentations, communications or other areas in your life, just email me directly and we can start with a free phone consultation.
I look forward to speaking soon!